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Item Die Rolle von regulatorischen T Zellen in der Effektorphase der Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita(2024) Groß, Natalie; Bieber, Katja; Redecke, LarsItem Automated selective retina therapy(2024) Seifert, Eric; Birngruber, Reginald; Hübner, ChristianItem Overcoming barriers in intracellular crystallography(2024) Boger, Juliane; Redecke, Lars; Huber, RobertItem Host genome – microbiome interaction and its influence on chronic inflammation in the skin in the mouse(2024) Hartmann, Adina-Malin; Ibrahim, Saleh; Sina, ChristianItem Dectin-2: the C-type lectin receptor governs neutrophils by cooperating with Fcγ receptor IV to drive neutrophil-mediated skin inflammation(2023) Fagiani, Francesca; Sadik, Christian; Manz, RudolfItem Pex8 und sein Weg ins Peroxisom(2023) Kerlin, Frauke; Kalies, Kai-Uwe; Tautz, NorbertItem Paneth cells and azathioprine in Crohn’s disease(2023) Ragab, Mohab; Derer-Petersen, Stefanie; König, PeterItem The role of C5aR1 in memory T cell generation(2023) Odidika, Stanley Chinenye; Kemper, Claudia; Mittag, JensItem Physiologische Charakterisierung der intrazellulären Calcium-Signaltransduktion in Ex-vivo-Schweißdrüsen des Menschen und der Ratte(2023) Buck, Teresa Franziska; Kruse, Charli; Kusche-Vihrog, KristinaItem C5aR1 functions in cellular networking of ILC2 in health and disease(2023) Korkmaz, Rabia ÜklüItem Selective attention in multi-talker situations(2024) Orf, Martin; Obleser, Jonas; Simon, JonathanItem Zur Bindung von Glykanen an Calicivirus P-Domänen(2023) König, Patrick; Peters, Thomas; Gutsmann, ThomasItem Untersuchungen zum Einfluss des reifen Teils sekretorischer Proteine auf den Proteinimport in das endoplasmatische Retikulum des Säugers(2023) Schatt, Alexandra; Kalies, Kai; Tautz, NorbertItem Dendritic cell- and T cell-based immune therapies against Ebola virus infection(2024) Olal, Catherine Awuor; Redecke, Lars; Manz, RudolfItem Brain and behavioural dynamics of auditory distraction(2023) Liu, Ka Yan; Wöstmann, Malte; Kayser, ChristophItem Adaptation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains to antibiotics(2023) Sonnenkalb, Lindsay Ruth; Niemann, Stefan; Rupp, JanItem Comprehensive analysis of parameters modulating food allergy in a murine model(2023) Rau, Christina N..; Manz, Rudolf; Günther, UlrichItem Microbial metabolite butyrate promotes the induction of IL-10+IgM+ plasma cells(2023) Föh, Bandik; Sina, Christian; Manz, RudolfItem Development of a general software application for the quantification and mitigation of batch effects in microbiome data(2023) Olbrich, Michael; Busch, Hauke; Sina, ChristianItem Anti-inflammatory immune regulation of anionic phospholipids on macrophages and pulmonary surfactant lipidomics in the context of neonatal acute respiratory distress syndrome(2022) Kupsch, Sarah; Schromm, Andra; König, Peter